Thursday, January 4, 2007

Who does she think she is?

She goes all over the www claiming a lying and offering figments of her imagination as truth. But when some questions her authenticity she gets offended. The nerve of the troll! The president gets talked about 24/7 and he does not demand retractions or deletions. Who does she think she is? When you hit a search engine about David Ruffin...there her uglee ass picture and book is. Who does she think she is? Anytime his name is mentioned, there she is. Who does she think she is? She needs to take a good look in the mirror, she just might discover who she really is. A washed up old hag trying to live her fantasies thru a dead man's image. Who is she really?


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Anonymous said...

This woman is a whack job and she's got whackier nut jobs that follow her. She is dismantling David's music legacy. She needs to get her own gig along with her tag alongs who are in need of their own identity. What a bunch of losers!

Anonymous said...

She was not or never will be a ruffin! She don't have the talent and she sure does not have any skills, writing or otherwise. People are afraid to challenge her because they are cowards and users themselves. They want a handout and a piece of Ruffin for their own purposes. Genna betta watch out. Some other woman is gonna claim she's a widow ruffin too.

Anonymous said...

That bytch Genna is a lying fraud and i cant stand her ...she uses David Ruffins fans,and she uses David Ruffins name for attention that she craves .She is a very sad and sick woman . Genna you are not Mrs Ruffin...The real Mrs Ruffin is home relaxed sure of herself and what she had with David... in Detroit.

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me: She is not Mrs. Ruffin. She is not Mrs. Ruffin. She is not Mrs. Ruffin. Now go waste some more brain cells on her shitastic boook.

Anonymous said...

How can a person decide to take another person's last name and then proceed to do it?
Why is it neccessary to live a lie? She is a fool in front of the world. Everybody knows she was never a Ruffin or referred to as Mr.Ruffin's wife.
Mr.Ruffin had a wife when he was withe Genna,didn't he?

Anonymous said...

Genna is a joke in Detroit. We don't pay her any attention.
David Ruffin was Detroit's famous son. Nobody gives a damn about genna or her no-talent son.

Anonymous said...

People have the nerve to talk about Ruffin's ego. Look at the cover of genna's book. She has the nerve to slap her face on it as if somebody cares to see it. I have never seen a book written about another person and the author is on the front cover! Adding to that, she's holding a temptation record. Crazy with a captial C.

Anonymous said...

Genna knows good and well she is not a Ruffin she never will be a Ruffin..she was and is so jealous of the Real Mrs Ruffin.David didnt love her nor was he intesrested in her. she was just a quick ass lay that got pregnant by mistake could have happen to anyone. I feel like changing my last name Ruffin sounds good to me...hell if Genna can do it, i can.

Anonymous said...

genna is clinging to the ruffin name because that's all she has. even a son can't compensate for that since she wasn't smart enough to prove paternity. she also kept going back to the man she said kicked her ass over and over again. But she calls him 'husband'. I never seen any abused woman take the identity of the absuser. Extremely disturbing.

Anonymous said...

I keep asking the same questions. What's wrong with telling the truth? Why did she wait until he died to take his name? Why does she think stealing his name makes her a Ruffin? She was his gf for a time,what sense does it make to lie about something that everybody and their brother knows is a lie? If her lie is not fooling anybody why tell it?

Anonymous said...

Genna is not in her make believe land by herself. What's up with her followers? If they are clinging to her because they are fans of David Ruffin,then haven't they taken the time to learn anything about the man? They are taking this womans word as the truth.
The late great Sam Cooke had a outside child,but the mother of that child never claimed to be his common law wife. She never hijacked the Cooke name either.
Her followers are as crazy as her ass,crazier because Genna knows the damn truth. She knows David Ruffin never cared enough about her to marry her.

Anonymous said...

When David passed, the newspapers got quotes from his first ex-wife, Sandra. Nowhere in any of those news reports is genna's name mentioned. Now she comes out the woodwork, yappin about what she thinks the world owes her. Who cares if she was with him and had a son? If a man treated her the way she claimed, the only thing that would matter is that the child would be cared for. Using genna's own words, David didn't give jr the time of day. But she's mad that nobody believes her? She should be mad at herself for contradicting herself everytime she opens her mouth.

Anonymous said...

Genna could not control David in life so now she wants to control him(his legacy) in death. People who do devious things will never move forward in life. That's why this Sepia woman is stuck panhandling on the www.

Anonymous said...

If genna is married to Ruffin, where is her proof?

Anonymous said...

Her followers claim that genna is under attack because she wrote a book. That's just not true! Nobody cares that she wrote about her personal experiences. However people that paid for her book had a right to speak on what they thought about it.
Followers of genna... How would you feel if a woman that had an affair with your father,while he was still married to your mother and waited until he died to take his name and sit on the internet everyday trying to make people think she was his choice or wife?
Now you can rah-rah genna all you want ,but the truth is her ass is disrespecting the family of the man she claims to love.
She is NOT a RUFFIN by any stretch of anybody's imagination.

Anonymous said...

Genna has been heard to say that she has the only son of David Ruffin's,and that's something no one else has. LOL Well genna,Sandra Ruffin has something YOU WILL NEVER have. A Marriage License,A Divorce Degree, children born of a Marriage and the love and respect of David Ruffin's friends and fans.
Sandra Ruffin did not have to chase the spotlight, the spotlight found her. David GAVE her his name,their daughters were BORN with their fathers last name. Not the case with your child was it genna?

Anonymous said...

hello bloggers!
I live in Detroit and my people knew David Ruffin and his brother Jimmy.
I love hearing the story's about him. He was the man. lol!lol!
David was never married to the mother of his son. I called my grandpops when I read this and asked him. He said "aw naw baby,David never did marry that woman, all he wanted around that time was that fine Tammi Terrell".

Anonymous said...

Genna will nevr be Mrs David Ruffin ,and she is constantly trying to fool Davids younger fans in to thinking so. Genna is disrespecting Davids family. All she was ,was a quick lay nothing more . David married before her and after her..if he so much wanted to marry Genna why didnt he? simple BECAUSE HE DID NOT WANT HER ,LOVE HER OR ANYTHING ELSE. Genna get over it you were and are not the one. I wonder what the wonderful Mrs Ruffin (SANDRA) is doing right now?.

Anonymous said...

Genna has followers? Where is she leading them?
This woman has to be in her 60's, yet she's lost in the 60's.
Usually senior citizens apply what they have learned through their mistakes to their life. Genna is reveling in hers.
Now she's a Christian???? Well GOD doesn't condone her former lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

She should have listened to Jimmy the first time he told her repeatedly that David didn't love her. But to hear the genna supporters tell it, they want to call Jimmy a liar. Nobody said she didn't love David but if the man degrades and abuses her, that's not love. But she wants to insist that David did. If we followed her logic, then David kicked her ass out of love. And her followers agree with this train of thinking. Sounds like a bunch of women with low self esteem and no respect for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Genna is a bytch and she never will be a Ruffin. Genna Sapia and David Eric Sapia get a phucking life and leave David Ruffin alone as the both of you have nothing to do with him. Genna you were an easy phuck course he gonna take it. David Eric Sapia you were not planned pure mistake...David Ruffin did not want to marry your mother and he certainly didnt want to have a child with her.

Anonymous said...

Genna begged Davids fans to help for half the material she has Genna is nothing more than a using hypocrite and looser. David never married this woman.

Anonymous said...

I too love hearing story's about David Ruffin and Motown artist. My grandma was a seamtress that sometimes worked for the Gordy's.
She said genna was some old white thang the hung around David.
She remembers Ms.Sandra and Ms.Terrell fondly.

Anonymous said...

Genna was a young foolish woman and has grown into an old foolish woman.
Wasn't she at one time going to write a follow up book about "the good" thing about David Ruffin? I remember her asking other people for their memories.
I thought hmmm doesn't she have any good times of her own to remember?

Anonymous said...

Genna Sapia knew nothing about David Ruffin except how to get in to bed with him.

Anonymous said...

I read that womans book and it was the worst thing I have ever read. For all those out there that are thinking about buying this trash PLEASE DONT! you will waste your money its not even worth it i promise .

Anonymous said...

Genna is a lying fraud David Ruffin never married her.

Anonymous said...

Genna is living a lie she knows very well she was never married to David Ruffin why does she insist on telling this lie?

Anonymous said...

Genna is not fooling anyone she knows as well as anyone that she was never married to David Ruffin.

Anonymous said...

Genna is about washed up on the net. There's not too many more teen-agers alive that she can get to believe her BS.
She's been at this for how many years now? And she still doesn't have any support or validation from anyone that was in the life of David Ruffin.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the name of the man she married? And does she communicate with Sandra or any of the real Ruffin's?
Did any of the real Ruffin's ever comment on her book?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, to answer one of your questions
The real family of David Ruffin does not acknowledge Genna in any way. Truth be told, they treat Jr. like an outsider too.
Their only recognition comes from people they have met and duped on the internet.
As far as she staying in contact with Ms.Sandra,aw hell naw! How can a fake stand next to the GENUINE ARTICLE?

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Sandra Ruffin is a reminder to genna that david never married her ass, she ain't hardly trying to have "lunch" with the legal wife of the man she claims as her's. She disrespected this woman while David was alive,and continues to disrespect her in his death. But not to her face. Only on the net and in her "gone no where" book!
She aint that damn crazy!

Anonymous said...

Genna has forgot her damn place. You know the place David Ruffin kept her in. Total Obscurity.

Anonymous said...

It bothers me that the new fans of David Ruffin have been deceived by this ex-girlfriend.
She did have a relationship with him,she did have a baby with him,but she was never married him.She is not a Ruffin.She carries that name only because she paid for it.
To respond to the question does the Ruffin family deal with her,the answer to that is Hell No!

Anonymous said...

According to her book,David Ruffin was living on a ranch with another woman.
So how is it that she comes up after his death with this common law BS?
Do these people she has conned understand what they read? If they did they would know this bytch is a discarded baby momma,with a store bought Ruffin name.

Anonymous said...

She had posted on her myspace page the there were no publishers with enough guts to publish her book.
Come on now genna, people write tell all books about celebrities even world leaders and get them published. But they had no guts because they weren't interested in publishing a book about a white hoe that got her ass kicked by a black celebrity?? Please!!! Publishers want their books to sell. genna has found out that her damn book didn't do that well in sales.
Hell book stores don't even carry it! Can't even find it in the public library!
She should have made it a diary and called it a day!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah "Diary of a Mad BEAT UP Baby Momma"


Anonymous said...

To Joyce: Publishers wouldn't touch Genna's book over legalities. Can you imagine the lawsuits that would be filed against her and the publisher? She made a whole lot of inflammatory statements against Berry Gordy, Tammi Terrell, Martha Reeves, etc. Especially the statements she made concerning BG. A man with that much clout is not gonna sit back and allow some unknown baby mama who happened to have sex with a celebrity, get away with dogging him out. Publishers have to make sure that their i's & t's are crossed. Publishers want to make money, not lose it!

Anonymous said...

Here's the quote in all it's idiotic glory. Genna's Lunacy:
"This book (as you may have “heard” me say) was rejected by a dozen + traditional publishers,so I finally published it myself through a print-on-demand publisher online—meaning that no ‘brick’n’mortar’ bookstore will carry it—unless requested! No guts!
Same for public libraries and most likely school libraries too. No guts! Well, if any of you can get the teachers to get it started into the school system (some say it should be REQUIRED reading),you will be my shero or hero"!

REQUIRED reading in schools???? WHY??? What value does this damn book have to Educators? I wouldn't want my child to have to read this garbage!!
Somebody said it right. This Bitch is insane!

Anonymous said...

Sure,every school should require their students to read about an obsessed groupie,that followed a rising star back to his home after meeting him,not knowing him.
Shaking up with this man,after finding out he was married,getting pregnant by this man,being beat half to death by this man,being left by this man and still running behind this man.
I can see how this book would enhance any schools Curriculum.

Anonymous said...

Genna in her book also disrespected Minister Farrakhan.
I suppose because he didn't "recognize" her or her half-breed Illegitimate son either the the funeral of The Late great David Ruffin.

Anonymous said...

David is such a loser says Genna but there she is, riding the loser's 'name' for her own profit. Yep, David was a loser alright once he hooked up with her.

Anonymous said...

Thank you God for sparing the impressionable minds of America from Genna's tripe. The world is a whole lot smarter not being exposed to such filth.

Anonymous said...

Genna is the Devil and she needs to be stopped period.

Anonymous said...

Genna was never married to David Ruffin . David did nothing but beat her ass all over..and she did nothing but stalk this man.

Anonymous said...

Genna use to stalk David Ruffin all over the place ,and David just could not stand it and her. For the record you young fans David Ruffin NEVER married that woman.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for publishing this blog. To me this seems to be a case of identity fraud, or at the very least, just fraud.

Anonymous said...

From what I've read Ruffin was in love with his first wife and Tammi Terrell. I don't think there was much room in his heart for Genna which explains why he treated her the way he did.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Genna or any of her fans (because she thinks she's a celebrity) know how disrespectful it is to use this mans family name. Maybe if she understood black culture she would understand how offensive what she did was/is. A person's surname is linked to that family's history. The surname makes you part of the family's history. That's why it is a big deal when a man GIVES a woman his last name. His name is who he is. So when he gives a woman his name he is saying "now you are me,we are one in the same".
Genna STOLE the name.David Ruffin never made her "one" with him. She said she asked her son's permission. But he had NO right to give her permission to take his father's name. He has the right to GIVE that name to a woman he marry's.
What she has done is more than offensive and disrespectful, it's against the word of GOD.

Anonymous said...

I am a Ruffin. David Ruffin and my father are cousins. This woman was never married to David. The family was just as Surprised and Appalled,when she started using the name as some of your are.
For those of you that feel it's ok for her to use MY family name,I will advise you IT IS NOT. Why does she want to fake being a part of a family that hates her?

Anonymous said...

Genna Sapia is a disgrace all the way around,and she knows very much that she was never married to David Ruffin.

Anonymous said...

What does she hope to gain by using the Ruffin name?
It's not like she is entitled to anything. He didn't leave a large estate.
Why is she doing this?

Anonymous said...

You all are just jealous! The sun rises and sets on Genna. Bow down h8rz.

Anonymous said...

If I were Davids family I would make that bitch take David Ruffins name from being attached to her sorry ass name...What a disgrace. Its sickening cause Genna knows David never married her.

Anonymous said...

Jealousy and envy is the very reason Genna stole the mans name.
She was so jealous of the women that were given his name in marriage,that she decided to imitate them.
Meet "Miss Me Too". LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Her lies know no bounds. lol! She said on her myspace blog that she wrote songs that Motown stole and recorded. lol!lol!
Since she can write Motown caliber hits,why doesn't she pen a smash for her own hit-less,no contract having son?

Anonymous said...

Anybody that believes Genna's lies,gots to be mentally challenged.

Anonymous said...

Why do Genna's flunkys insist someone is jealous of her?
Let see,1-She got her ass kicked by a celebrity 2-He would not divorce his wife for her 3-He got her pregnant then left her for a "star". 4-He became engaged to this star and ignored genna nad her baby. 5-He did not support her while she was carrying his child (wasn't even present at the birth) 6- After loosing his star girl friend,he married ANOTHER woman 7-Her son only got his father's last name to keep from going to jail for child abuse.8-He named all of his daughters, he didn't even acknowledge his son.9-She took his last name AFTER his death,
Now I fail to see why anyone with half a brain would envy her circustances. It's actually pitiful!

Anonymous said...

Poor Jr. is very seldom mentioned in the same breath as David Ruffin. There was not one mention of him in any of the interviews following this legends death.
His daughters and his ex-wife and brother were the only ones acknowledged.
He wasn't even acknowledged at David's funeral,maybe that's why he showed his stupid ass!
Screaming and hollering like a damn fool! It was a act for attention,Jr and David were NEVER close. So that BS act for the public at tthe funeral was just that! A BS act!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Ruffin said it best, "David never loved Genna".
She just couldn't and can't accept that.
Doesn't change the truth.
She gives reasons for Jimmy saying this to her,but the truth is Jimmy would not have said this to her if he thought his baby brother loved her. David was still alive when Jimmy told her,so what does that tell you?

Anonymous said...

She uses his name to mooch food and places to stay. lol!lol!
Why would the "wife' of a legend need to depend on the kindness of others??? lol!lol!
She sounds more like a "crack head" than a wife,,,common law or other wise...LOL!LOL!

Anonymous said...

To kenya
Yup!Yup! Those are some crack head moves.
Hows about her leaving her purse so someone else would have ot pay for her meals?
I read that somewhere,I don't know if it's true of not. It's funny as hell though.

Anonymous said...

"She" (genna) Aint Too Proud To MOOCH is she. LOL...LOL....LOL....LOL....

Anonymous said...

She Aint Too Proud To Squat either.
I found that out the hard way.

Anonymous said...

The bitch is loco. She threatened to "sue' a person if she sold a painting that this person had painted of David Ruffin,and not give her some of the proceeds.
Now how in the hell is she entitled to anything? It should have been me.
I would have said See ya in court Bitch!

Anonymous said...

She's very paranoid too. She accused me of seating her email address book and contacting people on it.
When you're crooked you don't trust anybody I guess.

Anonymous said...

Yall should not be so hard on jr. It is not his fault he was created by two dysfunctional people. Jr just wants people to accept and understand him. Now if only he dropped his obnoxious attitude, the public would give him a chance.

Anonymous said...

That damn "Jr" is just like his Mother.

Anonymous said...

How dare you all judge genna? You weren't there to know what went on between them. David choose to be with her so you all should get over it. If David was alive, you all wouldn't be saying these things about genna and her son. For shame! Some of you need to get a life.

Anonymous said...

To gingerlynn
Oh one thing I know did not go on between them was a marriage.
Nobody disputes the relationship between she and David Ruffin. He chose to be with her and he also chose NOT to be bothered with her.
If David Ruffin was alive Genna would not be using his name. Genna would not claim to be his common law wife AND Genna's book would still be in her head. And David Ruffin still would not help his son in the music industry.
David Ruffin did nothing to help or support Genna or his son living,so what makes you think he would give a good damn about what anybody said about this bytch?

Anonymous said...

Ummm, gingerlynn, a rebuttal? lol

Anonymous said...

David Ruffin cared less about that bitch as he showed it anytime the bitch would show up somewhere where he was with his family.Genna knows David never married her,hell if he wanted to marry her HE WOULD HAVE. why is it so hard to understand that this woman is a liar and using the Ruffin name. She did nothing for David except lay with him when he wanted a good fix. David adored his 3 girls and his wife Sandra. He loved them so much as they do him. Genna was so jealous of Sandra and Tammi it was and is rediculous because she still is jealous of Sandra for getting the mans name in a traditional manner and still jealous of Tammi a dead woman. But Tammi had one thing Genna didnt have which was Davids heart and a possible marriage also.damn did David ever love Sandra and Tammi.One could see it in his eyes anytime he spoke of them or were around them. Matter of fact many of Davids fans love Sandra too.Genna is hated all over because of her foolish lies,and her lack of knowing her goddamn place and this whole act as if she was the best thing to happen to David when clearly David gave less than a damn about her. Hell David loved Diane showers also she was there for him in his time of need and did plenty for him also . Genna can never have what these women had. Genna here is a little tip MOVE THE FUCK ON YOU WERE NEVER AND NEVER WILL BE A RUFFIN. how embarrassing that you have to steal Davids name after he died. What a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Gingerlynn go crawl up Gennas ass where you belong.

Anonymous said...

Too late for that anonymous. genna's hangerons already beat gingerlynn to it. She'll have to get the leftovers.

Anonymous said...

Didn't this woman say that Ruffin was illiterate? On the Temptations DVD, a clip shows David reading from a song sheet. Now how does an illiterate man do that?

Anonymous said...

Honeybunz the bitch also claims that David never wrote a song...When the man himself said he wrote a good amount of his owns songs. This bitch knows nothing about David and always trying to speak on his behalf.

Anonymous said...

Gingerlynn I sure am not judging Genna ,God will do that and it should be interesting since she is spreading lies that she was Married to David and all.

Anonymous said...

I wrote a memoir trashing my former lover/boyfriend/quasi husband, his family and friends. I had a son with him but I'm not ashamed to humilate him nor myself for a few bucks. I even changed my name so I can get people to believe that I was married to him. That being said, I need a tape recorder to transcribe my tale of horrors and hopefully hustle it out to more unsuspecting sapsuckers. If anyone provide me with any assistance, I'd appreciate it. Oh and can you also throw in a quiet place to stay while I transcribe. Hit me up at

Anonymous said...

Hey Gingerlynn you said if David was alive "we" would not be saying these things...Sure we would the only difference would be that David would Join in with us and rag the sicko.

Anonymous said...

you all playing with one of God's children. You will get burnt! Repent or the hand of God will be put on you. Genna is God's child too and you can't keep mocking her. We all make mistakes so be merciful. Why must you all degrade this woman this way? I don't think David would allow the mother of his child to be talked about this way.

Anonymous said...

David sure would allow "The mother of his child " to be spoken of in this manner and he did. Gingerlynn preach that shit to Genna she needs it remember she is the one thats NOT the Ruffin claiming to be one.Genna is one of Gods children but god said thou shalt not lie,Genna seems to have that lying thing down pat.So that "Child of god" surely turned herself in to child of Satan didnt she? ....Sleeping with a married man and having that son of her out of wedlock ,then stealing (which is another sin in itself) the mans name and lying about being married to him.

Anonymous said...

It must suck being you gingerlynn. All that fire and brimstone don't change the facts: Genna was never married to Ruffin. The end.

Anonymous said...

Of course Genna can be mocked. Genna should repent for 1-sleeping with a married man. 2-Disrepecting his then wife and children. 3- Stop claiming to be something she is not, A RUFFUN.
Last time I read my bible GOD did not condone any of the things I just mentioned. True everyone makes mistakes,but Genna doesn't believe she has made any mistakes.She blames EVERYBODY else for her problems,David for being married and no longer wanting her,Sandra Ruffin for being married to him and giving him 3 daughters,Tammi Terrell for having David's love,Jimmy Ruffin for telling her the truth about his brother's feelings, Joy Hamilton because David chose to marry her instead of Genna,BG because he didn't want her thrashy ass hanging around Motown or his star,Debbie Rhone because David was happy with her,Diane Showers because she was his last love interest,Martha Reeves because she introduced Genna to David's fiance.
David Ruffin DID allow people to talk about Genna Saphia, David Ruffin allowed people to talk about him!
gingerlynn,you must be the mayor of Genna's fantasy land.
Because you really have it twisted.

Anonymous said...

gingerlynn are you the spokesperson for GOD too?
"You will get burnt! Repent or the hand of God will be put on you. Genna is God's child too and you can't keep mocking her".

gingerlynn you are one funny individual. CTFU@"You will get burnt!

Anonymous said...

Genna has degrade herself,all by herself.
BTW gingerlynn, did you get to bid on David Ruffin obituaries she was selling on ebay?
Trifflin is what Genna is.

Anonymous said...

Genna is a lying fucking bitch. Hey Genna Sapia you were NOT married to David Ruffin and you are NOT a Ruffin or fooling anyone except for those youngsters who does not know any better and abused women. David whooped that ass stupid I see...well no you were already stupid.

Anonymous said...

Genna has fooled a few new David Ruffin fans. But the die hard Tempt fans know better.
It doesn't bother me that she's a liar,that's on her.
Fact is no matter what lie she tells she knows how things really went down. She knows David Ruffin did not give her his name living,and the dead do not communicate with the living. That's the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Even the newer fans couldn't believe that you can marry a dead man.
Nobody is that stupid!

Anonymous said...

Let's say for arguments sake Genna was David Ruffin's common-law wife (even though it's not recognized in MI) What damn difference does it make? He's dead!!! He didn't do anything for her in his hey day so what's the point.
What honor is there in being a common-law widow? Sheesh!!! She and her son may think he's communicating with them beyond the grave,but dead men tell no tales. She's crazy for even telling that BS,and crazier if she believes it.
She said herself she had no communication with him for years bfore he died,so why would he have something to say to her after his death???? It's insane,she needs help!

Anonymous said...

I emailed Genna a very civil note about 6-7 years ago after I read her book.
I posed some to the same questions that are being asked here,she never responded nor did she post my review of her book.
I felt and still do feel she has no identity apart from being a girl friend of David Ruffin.
She can't be doing this for money,because David Ruffin did not leave an estate like say a Elvis Presley. Even if he had she would have rights to it.
Taking his name does not put her in a legal position to get anything!
So IMHO this woman feels her worth is somehow tied up into the abusive relationship she shared with a celebrity. To me that's sad.

Anonymous said...

David Ruffin did not leave an estate like say a Elvis Presley. Even if he had she would have rights to it.

I meant she would have NO rights to his estate. Which she did not!

Anonymous said...

I have some questions,that I wish Genna or her any of her supporter's could answer.
How could Genna be David Ruffin's "common law" wife if he was already married to Sandra Ruffin?
How could Genna be David Ruffin's common law wife after he married Joy Hamilton?
How can Genna make these claims when common law unions have never been recognized in the state of Michigan?
At best she spent her life with him being the "woman on the side".
So defend her as you willGenna fans but unless you can answer these questions you need to STFU!

Anonymous said...

What does she do for a living?

Anonymous said...

I wish Sandra Ruffin or their daughters, or Jimmy Ruffin would write a book. That would put a stop to all of Genna's mess.
It would also sell a hellova lot better than Genna's.

Anonymous said...

Genna simply wants to be recognized thru David Ruffin. But why?
He is a Legend and all,but his time has come and gone. It's not like he's riding a popularity wave right now.
My mothers generation loved The Tempts, but it seems no one rrom that era believes her anyways. so what's the point?

Anonymous said...

Genna has no life. Whatever attention David Ruffin is pulling in she wants to be apart of it. Sorry bitch ass Genna you were not a Ruffin ,you are NOT a Ruffin. Why dont you go and tend to your bastard son and be 2 crazy old fools who never had Davids love.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of jr, how many copies did his CD sell? His mother was offering it as limited edition on her site.

Anonymous said...

Genna Sapia does not know anything about David Ruffin. I wrote her and asked her a couple of questions about him and all she said was either "I dont know" or "Iam not to sure". What a fraud I bet Mrs Sandra Ruffin has plenty to say about David.

Anonymous said...

Iam glad I found this website.Genna is a user I know because I was used by her..To all of you out there please hear me out . Do not trust this woman she will take advantage of your kindness,and when she gets what she wants .. she would have nothing to do with you.

Anonymous said...

David wasn't perfect. He was a very troubled person. Troubled people sometimes tend to attract people like themselves. He loved Tammi but clearly she was also troubled which led to violence in their relationship. Don't know about Sandra but after reading genna's book, she's a troubled person too. It's not surprising that David has ended up with a couple of women who had problems. He had alot of issues himself. It doesn't make him a bad person but he made some bad choices. He must have regretted some of the choices he made.

Anonymous said...

Oops. Meant that Genna is a troubled person, not Sandra.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the "Why does she do it" group.
I saw where her name was "added" to the notes in the DAVID cd.
I heard that she was added only after she demanded to be,after all Tammi Terrell's name was listed.
Why was that so important to Genna? It's not like she recieved any monetary benefits fron his music.
I think I would rather be not mentioned than to be mentioned as a after thought. Her name is nowhere in the notes of my CD,so it had to be was added after the original release.
If you are WORTH remembering,you don't have to Remind people of your existence.

Anonymous said...

The real Ruffin's do not want to be associated with Genna's name.
Case in point, David Ruffin's brother Dr.Quincy Ruffin book "Mississippi Tears" review and ordering information was posted on her web page. When he was made aware of this,he requested it be removed.
If that wasn't a reality slap in the face to her,I don't know what else you would call it.
BTW Dr.Quincy's book is a good read for David and Jimmy Ruffin fans.

Anonymous said...

I think it was Dr.Quincy's daughter that confronted Genna on a message board.
She asked the question many of us are asking today,when did Genna become a Ruffin?

Anonymous said...

If Genna was all she said she was,why is the only place you see her name in connection with David Ruffin is in her book?
I just finished reading Tony Turner's book. The only mention made of her is him saying Jr. was the son of David and some white woman. He didn't even mention her name.
Now according to Tony he met David Ruffin early in his Temptation career,according to Genna so did she. So why did he not feel she was important enough to call by name?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous
Otis Willams did not mention her or Jr. in his book or movie.
I have read many Motown books and her ass is not mentioned in any of them.
I guess that's she had to write her own book. She took the Ruffin name for the same reason. Nobody that knew David Ruffin acknowledged her. To this day nobody that knew David Ruffin has acknowledged her, or endorsed her book. Not even Dennis Edwards who she said was so kind to her.???? There is a reason for this,don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I saw where she posted on Leon's page. Almost begging him to chat with her. lol!lol!
Leon knows David Ruffin's real family. He met Sandra Ruffin and the girls and was photographed with them.
I guess nobody told him about her existence either. LMAO!

Anonymous said...

In her own words!

“It became clear to me at once that I was spending more time of the phone trying to identify and justify myself to countless people than anything else. So, out of simple exhaustion, when the called me “Mrs.Ruffin”, I eventually stopped explaining. Things became a lot simpler that way, and I began to feel like I’d run across a favorite old shirt that I’d been looking for. It felt so good, I never wanted to take it off. I found myself pondering a legal name change. I asked my son’s permission,and been given it. I looked into the matter. I searched inside myself for insight on the subject,and looked for a sign from David Senior. My feelings were that he was behind it a hundred percent, and that I could have done it years ago with his blessing while he was alive. I didn’t feel so much as if it would be a marriage-more like an adoption. Sort of as if I were being welcomed back into my own family after a long absence”.

Anonymous said...

Her sign from David Senior, Should have been If he wanted her to have his last name he would have given it in love to her while he was living.
If it was more like an "adoption" then why is she claiming to be his common-law wife? Her shyt doesn't make sense.
Her fans need to read this excert from her book. Maybe then they would understand David Ruffin was never her husband.

Anonymous said...

Aww had to go pull my copy out. lol!
Genna wrote:
"It was shortly after six that morning, a full twelve hours later, when Sandra (Nedra ‘n’ nem’s mother) called me. As far as I can recall, it was the first and only time in life she’d ever done that and I wasn’t real sure what to make of it".

The TRUE version is Sandra Ruffin David's ex-wife as well as Nedra 'n'nems mother,called trying to contact Jr.,not Genna. Can't even tell the truth about a small thing.
Genna makes a point of saying "twelve hours later" that Mrs.Ruffin called. Hell she didn't have to call period!!! She didn't owe Genna even that courtesy. Had Mrs.Ruffin had another number to contact Jr.,Genna would have never gotten that call!!!

Anonymous said...

Why the hell would she have to ask jr for permission? That takes alot of nerve considering the fact that jr got his last name because senior was allegedly force to change it. Genna is just pulling the wool over people's eyes. She knows damn well if David lived, she wouldn't be changing anything.

Anonymous said...

She didn't know what to think about it? referring to Mrs.Ruffins phone call.
Dumb Bytch, that was her contact number for your damn son!
How else would she have gotten the number. She damn sure didn't call YOU out of any respect,because she had NONE for you.The funeral plans were being made by the Ruffin family so she damn sure wasn't asking for any input.
This bytch is just plain crazy as hell!!!

Anonymous said...

While Genna was spending "hours" on the phone,must have been when she found out PATERNITY had to be proved for a outside child!!!

Anonymous said...

Genna speaks in a language that only losers, moochers and non-thinking indiviuals understand. People with common sense and intelligence dismiss her as the disturbed woman she is.

Anonymous said...

I just found this page as iam in to David Ruffins music.I have to be honest I did come across this woman Genna Sapia while in search for David Ruffin information I did think she was his wife. I have visted her website and one could not help but to get this sense that she was a little crazy up there.After reading all of this iam now convinced of my initial thoughts. Seems to me that this woman thinks way more of herself than she should. She seems to want much attention from David Ruffins name.

Anonymous said...

I'm still stuck on the passage from her book where she try's to justify changing her name.
Jr.was a grown man when David Ruffin died,who was she calling?
She had to know her ass was out of any money loop. Very few agencies give information over the phone especially regarding estates, insurance ect.
So I don't know wtf she was on the phone with all that time.

Anonymous said...

Looking for David Ruffin's early records. Has anyone heard the records he made as Little David Bush?

Anonymous said...

Iam a great David Ruffin fan and I was fooled into buying this trash of a book by Genna Sapia.It also made me upset to read how she tried to insinuate that David could not read or understand big words. This woman needs a life and she has got to stop telling these lies.This is a cool website people has to start knowing about this fraud.

Anonymous said...

tamia s.: If David couldn't read how did he read the damn song sheets? How the hell did he know that BG was funny with the money? Because somebody does not know so-called 'big' words, does not make them illiterate. If that's the case, then that would make Genna illiterate. I didn't see any 'big' words that she used in her book. Now see how idiotic what I just posted sounds?

Anonymous said...

How did the name Mrs.Ruffin feel like a old comfortable shirt she had found?
In all her years she was never referred to as Mrs.Ruffin.
But here's the real deal. In order to change her name an announcement of her intentions had to be ran in a local paper for a specified time. This would give any family members the opportunity to show cause in an attempt to stop her.
That Heffa ran the announcement in a paper that had about 50 readers,knowing damn well the family would never see it.
When the family was made aware of it,it was too late.
Why would she want to become a Ruffin after he died anyways.

Anonymous said...

Has David Jr. done anything since Gin n Juice?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that jr sang on Gin n juice. Does anyone know if jr is still working with Dr. Dre?

Anonymous said...

It is not a crime to change your name. So what if Genna changed her last name to Ruffin? This must be affecting your lives that you people keep talking about this woman. Genna loved this man. Why can't you all see this? Despite his abuse of her, she still cares for him. If David was your man, you wouldn't like people trying to tear down your relationship. None of you were there to know what happened.

Anonymous said...

You will get burnt kelvin. you can keep making fun of one of God's children. Why are you people so harsh towards Genna?

Anonymous said...

To gingerlynn
You seem to be missing the point. Of course it's legal to change your name. But there are legal Ruffin survivors, you don't see the disrespect to his family? If David Ruffin wanted Genna to have his name he would hve given it to her,like he did with Sandra and Joy.
Sandra Ruffin loved this man too. She loved him before he was famous.
None of us were there,until Genna through her words took us there. While we don't know everything that went on between them. We know WHAT DID NOT go on between them...It's called MARRIAGE!!!!
Our discussion must be affecting your life,since you continue to post.

Anonymous said...

Genna talked at lenght in her book about David's relatioship's with Sandra,Tammi and Joy.
To echo gingerlynn, Genna was not there,she did not know what went on in his other relationships.
But that did not keep her from trying to tear down every realtionship he had except for her's in Print!
The problem with Genna's supporters is they fail to see how she has lied and degraded the other women David Ruffin loved.

Anonymous said...

Take a hike gingerlynn. Who gives a fuk if you don't like what is said about Genna? You must be washed up groupie gone 'church' in the waning years of your lonely life. Go play with your cats and leave the conversation to grown folks.

Anonymous said...

Gingerlynn fuck off. Genna aint shit. She is not a Ruffin and it is not fucking ok for her to go and take his name for her own damn gain. David Ruffin gave his name to the women he wanted to have his name.He did not marry Genna HE DID NOT WANT HER TO HAVE IS FUCKING NAME. Go somewhere with that mess.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine if Genna put all this energy into something legitimate! She knows how to make herself known on the net. She knows how to publish and market herself. She has crazy stamina. Too bad all this energy is negative. If I had been abused, I would not go around languishing in it as if it was yesterday. How many former abused women still live in the past? If they are, then I would assume they enjoyed the abuse and still looking to be abused in some form. At the risk of being plagued by message boards such as this and people in general, opinions of her, I would not think it was worth it. Genna is trying to live out a fantasy she had in Ruffin's glory days, one of her being the wife of the Great David Ruffin. Sadly this did not occur in his lifetime and even more sadly it's not gonna fly after his death. Genna is wasting her life away. Once Genna passes on who is gonna perpetuate the lie? Jr sure isn't cuz he doesn't have the means or the brains. She will fade away into oblivion. Milk it for what it's worth Gen!

Anonymous said...

I knew David, one of the kindest, most generous gentle souls ever. Not one time did he ever hit me, or offer to hit me. One really must ask, what caused David to loose it with some women. When he would just walk away, they would follow and start the bantering all over again. He was not a man to be pushed or made to feel that he was less than the man he was.

Anonymous said...

I noticed inquiries into David Ruffin Jr. and Genna is absolutely right. Her son is the only David Jr. that David Ruffin ever claimed, that I know of.
I am the niece of David Ruffin and the cousin of David Jr.
I find it interesting that Genna Sapia became a Ruffin after David died.
What's up with that?
What's is David Jr. up to these days?

Anonymous said...

To jody
How do you know what caused David Ruffin to hit Genna?
I take from your post you are saying genna's claims of abuse are untrue???
Why would she lie about getting her ass kicked????

Anonymous said...

How do you offer to hit someone????

Anonymous said...

I agree that if Genna redirected her energy's into something more productive she could have been successful in life. Claims of being a soul mate or common law wife to her abuser certainly hasn't gotten her anywhere, other than the subject of boards such as this one.
I think she has a "Pricilla Presley" fantasy. But 2 thing's Pricilla had that genna does not is one Pricilla was actually married to Elvis. Second the bulk of Elvis estate was left in trust to his daughter. Pricilla was able to parlay Elvis estate into a thriving business.
Genna on the other had no legal standing and she failed to prove paternity,so her son's involement was limited.
I agree that once Genna passes this nonsense will end. Jr. who has some rights to David Ruffin's name is too lazy and since being David Ruffin's son has not helped him thus far,why bother?The most genna will get for her trouble is the name Ruffin on her tombstone! What a waste of energy and life.

Anonymous said...

To Gina
Jr. is not up to anything income producing these days!

Anonymous said...

I regret to say that I paid good money for Genna's book. But after realizing I got cheated BIG time,I have lent it to over 10 other people,so that was money she will never see. LOL!LOL! BTW each of them were thankful that they did not buy it! lol.
I did not care to read about her abuse. David Ruffin was a talented artist, I bought the book thinking it would shed some light on him as a person as well as an entertainer. This book did not do that.
Not to sound ignorant but I don't give a damn what he did to Genna. I never heard about her until her book. And to this Jody person,who gives a phuck if he beat you or not? Who the hell is Jody anyway?
Nobody cares about relationship testimonials unless they are from his ex-wives,children or brother.
These bitches need to find another way to get in the spotlight,other than admitting they slept with a damn celebrity!

Anonymous said...

To melodie
Amen to that!
I don't know of this jody person either, so who gives a damn if he beat her ass or not? Does she have is baby too?
These two women need to meet and have a groupie who sleeps with celebrities party.

Anonymous said...

Genna Sapia-nothing. I suggest you go and get your 63 year old self a life.Stop trying to spread these lies that you were married to and or Common law wife to David Ruffin you were not.David did not love you.Well anyway I dont know why Iam wasting my time everyone knows that you are nothing ,and alot of the people if not ALL of the people that mattered or matters to David's lagacy and Personally does not even know of you. David Ruffin passed and trust me you were not the first person thought of to call. You are not a Ruffin and you will never be one, Sapia.

Anonymous said...

Jody:"He was not a man to be pushed or made to feel that he was less than the man he was." This is true. David didn't like a nagging woman. It took alot to make him angry. Genna must have drove David off the deep end to make him haul off and hit her. Women don't want to admit that some of them take glee in pushing a man's buttons to the point that he gets tired of being degraded. Verbal abuse is just as wrong as physical abuse. Men shouldn't hit women;women shouldn't hit men either. But women shouldn't be verbally abusive. Reading Genna's book and the way she trashed people leads me to believe that she probably talked like that to David as well.

Anonymous said...

Let Genna be a Ruffin. That is a very common name especially in the Southern states. What she really want's to be known as, No amount of money can buy."Mrs.David Ruffin".
Having the Ruffin name still doesn't link her as she would like to The Late Great David Ruffin.

Anonymous said...

cathy: if Genna did say bad things about Mr. Ruffin's wives, then that's wrong. But two wrongs don't make it right. She has a son that has feelings and would not like to read some of the terrible things said about her here. If she was your mother, would like her to be spoken about that way? I doubt that.

Anonymous said...

cheryl: It doesn't affect me because I'm not one coming back and cussing at people. I am very respectful. Why can't these other people? I don't know this Genna person but if the family has not said anything about her name being changed, why get upset about it? They must know that she is doing this and they are doing nothing to stop her.

Anonymous said...

I think what the poster Jody was doing was trying to give another view of David Ruffin.
Although I don't think any woman deserves to be hit by any man. I think her post sheds some light on why he abused Genna so.

Anonymous said...

gingerlynn...if David Ruffin was your father, would YOU be happy with what genna has said and written about him?
If Sandra Ruffin was YOUR mother,how much would you appreciate the way this woman has disrespected her?

Anonymous said...

pay that lunatic gingerlynn no mind. Reading her posts make me itch. Ignore her trolling ass.

Anonymous said...

I think gingerlynn is entitled to her opinions. She's not being rude with her statements and I believe she is sincere.
Perhaps if she was aware of what really happened she would feel differently.
I will not attack her.I will say I wonder why she doesn't afford the people hurt by Genna's lie the same courtesy she wants everyone to afford Genna.

Anonymous said...

To Deena: Thats a good question.

Anonymous said...

Jr. was on Gin "n" Juice? What happened? That song is still the jam. A hook-up with Dre should have lanched his career. Look at Eminem!

Anonymous said...

I am in not friends per say with Genna, but she and I have talked.
I know she has said some strange things, but she has the American right, as we all do...

Anonymous said...

To gingerlynn
Of course the family knows now what she is doing.But with people such as yourself that justify the things she's doing because she "loved him" or "she had his son."
How would you suggest the family stop her?
Most family member's of celebrities try not to magnify the rumors that surround their loved ones. I would think they prefer NOT to live their lives or share their family memories on the INTERNET. I know that initially they thought her madness would run it's course and Teeter out! BUT OH NO! NOT with Genna. People that don't care to know the truth seem to embrace her and her claims of being the voice of David Ruffin and the ultimate slap in the face is her claims's of being his wife.
I can not believe any of her supporters would appreciate what she has done and is doing IF it was their family member she was doing it to.
He was a celebrity and is a Legend,but he was also a real person with a real family. The family he left behind has real feelings,just as you and I do.

Anonymous said...

To jody
Having the "American" right to say something and having the good sense,tact and respect not to are two different things.
Genna has crossed the line of decency and respect. David Ruffin supposedly was the father of her child. I don't think anyone would deny Jr. the chance to tell HIS story about HIS father. Genna was never a part of David's family. She was a GIRLFRIEND,that status was ok with her while he lived,WHY is it not good enough for her now that he is dead?
She wasn't his wife in life,so why is it ok for her to claim to be his wife now? I don't understand your logic.
You claim to have know David Ruffin,does genna have the same "American" right to slam you as she has done to other's that were definitely in his life?

Anonymous said...

For me, Genna was one of David's women, and I give her credit for that just like I would Sandra, Tammi, Joy, Debbie, Tanya, Diane, myself, or anyone who shared their life with David.We all have a chapter in David's life. For that I give her credit.
Genna, she has been where you have not. That is why she gets the credit.
Nothing about her book has anything to do with me. Stop protraying me as thinking Genna is right on all things. I do not, and have told her so. She has rights and all of us do.
Some of you may mock me, but you won't mock the FATHER!

Anonymous said...

Psst! Hey Genna,you might want to read this:
What is a common law marriage?
In a handful of states (listed below), heterosexual couples can become legally married without a license or ceremony. This type of marriage is called a common law marriage. Contrary to popular belief, a common law marriage is not created when two people simply live together for a certain number of years. In order to have a valid common law marriage, the couple must do all of the following:
live together for a significant period of time (not defined in any state)
hold themselves out as a married couple -- typically this means using the same last name, referring to the other as "my husband" or "my wife," and filing a joint tax return, and
intend to be married.
When a common law marriage exists, the spouses receive the same legal treatment given to formally married couples, including the requirement that they go through a legal divorce to end the marriage.
Common law marriage is recognized only in the following states:

District of Columbia
Georgia (if created before 1/1/97)
Idaho (if created before 1/1/96)
New Hampshire (for inheritance purposes only)
Ohio (if created before 10/10/91)
Rhode Island
South Carolina

I don't seem to find MICHIGAN on this list.

Anonymous said...

Genna loved David Ruffin or loved the money she thought would roll in by selling his OBITUARY and FUNERAL TAPE on ebay?
That's a true GROUPIE move.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to popular belief, a common law marriage is not created when two people simply live together for a certain number of years.

Thank You for posting this!

Anonymous said...

"Some of you may mock me, but you won't mock the FATHER"!

You sound as crazy as Genna. LMAO!
BTW girlfriend, I don't think the women he married or became engaged to can be lumped together with his many ex-girlfriends.
WIFE and FIANCE have a different ring to it,don't you think?

Anonymous said...

For those Genna supporters who don't seem to understand the idea that wifey & fiance is above being a baby mama and girlfriend, look at the case of rapper Old dirty bastard. He's got 13 children, most with outside women. But he was still married to his wife whom he had 3 children with. He was seperated from her when he died but the courts recognize her as the executrix of the estate. Of course, his mother is running around in court, trying to get some money for the outside kids, saying her son wanted this, that, or the other. Mere words are not going to be enough and they will have to prove paternity. The point is that the wife or even former wives are looked about as legit union in the eyes of the law. Girlfriends & their children don't have a damn dog in this fight unless they prove paternity. And even that, does not give the girlfriend any entitlement to a damn thing in the dead celebrity's estate. Briefly shacking up is not exactly upheld in a court of law. So you Genna supporters are wasting your breath and your time. If you weren't one of his two former wives, then whatever you're spouting is meaningless. Genna was not or is ever going to be considered a Ruffin wife no matter how many name changes she does.

Anonymous said...

HEHEHE...Genna, what some of the nay sayers think about you. I know better... It is no skin off their teeth, yet they love to drag you and I through the mud. They have one problem. They think that there is one Mrs. David Ruffin. You and I know the truth. I have always told you, we all have a chapter in the book that is David Ruffin. No one can take that away from us, and if they choose to try to belittle and take away the integrity of our relationships with David, so be it. In the end, it does not change a thing. Not one minute, not one- second will be changed with the ignorance of people that only wish they had had the opportunity. Genna, your book has things in it that fans cannot fathom about David. I have told you that it was and is hard for me to understand some of these things, simply because I was blessed. The abuse never happened to me. Your reply to me was, "Jody why could it not have been that way for me." I don't know, but I do know one thing. At one time David loved you, and he did love David Jr.! Let them envy...They have nothing better to do I guess...
In the end I will tell you what I told a dear friend. TRUST MUST BE BUILT!!! If we are to try to understand one another as a whole of people that professed to love David, then we have to build a bridge of truth, understanding and love...That is absolutely possible if we try to find the answers as to why David has left this void in our lives. Each person that claims to love David should always have his legacy and memory at heart. Not always easy to keep the mouth shut when these mean spirited vamps come on with their holier than thou attitudes, I personally wish you well, and you know I love Jr. with all of my heart...What I say is from the depths of my being...GOD bless you both...

Anonymous said...

This Jody person makes no sense whatsoever. What the hell does credit mean? Credit for sleeping or shacking up with a dead celebrity for a couple of minutes? Credit for being put on layaway whenever Ruffin was ready to pick up? The only women that are worthy of mention are Tammi Terrell, Sandra, Joy Hamilton and Diane Showers. These women were either Ruffin's wives or fiances. I'm sure David's girlfriends cared for him but they are not in the same league. Girlfriends do not have the same rights as wives. Period. Unless the man specifically points out that he leaves the girlfriend something in his will, you are assed out. You get nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Ask Genna what she got after Ruffin died. What good is credit if you can't even get anything out it except an ass whippin?

Anonymous said...

"They have one problem. They think that there is one Mrs. David Ruffin. You and I know the truth".
David Ruffin had 2 wives. Neither were Genna or this nobody jody.
So is jody another common law wife?
Both of these bitches are crazy.

Anonymous said...

Who envies getting their ass kicked and abandoned by a man who gave his ring to somebody else? You sound just as crazy as Genna. You women who support Genna are willing to say and do anything to justify Genna madness. It sounds like you guys are living your sick fantasies of Ruffin through her. They sound like they know nothing of Ruffin except what Genna tells them.

Anonymous said...

To jody
The Truth? You and Genna are the ones that either don't know or recognize the truth.
What is jody trying to say?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like jody is saying she was also considered a wife to David Ruffin.
Damn did she write a book too? So much for the wife-in-laws. They are both crazy.

Anonymous said...

I still do not have a clue about what kind of man Ruffin was. It doesn't hurt to hear from his girlfriends to get a little insight but I really want to hear it from the wives. Unless he was living continually with the girlfriends, I want to hear from the wives. I want to know how they felt when Ruffin proposed to them. I want to know what it was like to have his children. I want to know if he helped name his kids. I want to know how he felt when he first became a father. Some of these questions girlfriends cannot answer. It is time that we hear what the wives have to say.

Anonymous said...

Who is trying to drag jody through the mud?
Who has heard of jody?
Quite frankly,nobody is dragging Genna through the mud. Saying she was never married to David Ruffin is the truth.
What's wrong with telling the truth?

Anonymous said...

I also forgot to add, I want to know how Ruffin felt when he got his first hit. What did he say when he got his first record deal? How did Motown treat them when David became famous? Did they go to any of his shows when he was a Temptation? Oh so many questions that I would like to hear from the wives.

Anonymous said...

It is sickening to read these wannabe Ruffin widows trying to lay claim to somebody who didn't even acknowledge them enough when he was alive. How the hell does this jody person and Genna do all these 'claiming' when prior to the miniseries, nobody heard of them? Everybody knew about Sandra, Joy, Debbie and even Diane Showers. These women need to get a job and get their own identity instead of trying to live their failed wifey fantasies on the web.

Anonymous said...

When I started looking for information on David Ruffin on the internet,I thought Genna was Mr.Ruffin's wife. I even signed her guest book.
Shortly after I read her book. Reading the book made it clear to me who and what she was.
My question to her supporters is, Where in her book do you get the impression she was more than a baby momma to him?

Anonymous said...

For years there has been request made to Ms.Sandra Ruffin to write a book.
I wish she would.

Anonymous said...

Dude was talented and gansta,but is there a market for a book about his life. I would think not. He's been dead for a years. The movie put him back in the spotlight for a minute,but that spotlight is out.
As far as girlie stealing his name,hell who cares. The truth has been out there. She's not fooling anybody.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in a book written by a family member of David Ruffin about him. lol! But I'm a huge Temptation fan.
If nothing else if would shut Genna up!

Anonymous said...

Genna sold a tape of his funeral and obituary?
What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Y'all need to leave poor Genivieve
In her heart she know's she's not a She's just trying to Punk everybody.

Anonymous said...

Genivieve Sapia doesnt know anything about David Ruffin. I agree with the poster that says Wife and Fiance has a total different ring than girlfriend not to mention different rights also..expecially girlfriends that David would want when he was ready. you know i dont know anything about this Jody person but she sounds insane ,she didnt change her name to Ruffin either did she?. Genna is disrespectful to Davids family.I have seen some of these post and someone said that Genna has the american right. Sure Genna has the right to freedom of speech and while she has that right she does NOT have the right to do all the slandering she has done in her book.She also does not have a right to run and go change her name especially with the reason she has done it for.People want to say Genna makes mistakes I want those same people to ask Genna what her mistakes were...and she will tell them NOTHING because Genna doesnt feel she has made any mistakes .Genna thinks she knows what she is doing. She has been going around this net for years trying to make people believe that she is Mrs David Ruffin when clearly she is not.Genna has only fooled Davids teenage fans who feel that they are lucky enough to speak to someone that knew David Ruffin,but they fail to realize the fraud that she is. To the Jody person that posted "they feel that there is only 1 Mrs Ruffin" I dont know the "they" she is refering to but let me correct her because I fail to understand how this Jody person was with David Ruffin and doesnt know anything about him either because if she did she would know that there is only 1 Mrs Ruffin and that is Sandra. she also would know David married Joy Hamilton so that made her a Ruffin at one point also. I dont think Jody knows what she is saying. I think she should stay out of this Website. Sandra Ruffin ,Tammi Terrell, Joy Hamilton and Diane Showers are the only women I want to hear anything about ,and are the only women that meant anything to David otherwise (GUESS WHAT jODY AND GENNA?) he would not have married them or got engaged to them. Ponder that.

Anonymous said...

David loved his wife Sandra ,David loved his Fiance Tammi. David loved his other wife Joy and he loved his last Fiance Diane...oopps wait aint no Genna listed in there anywhere. Genna Sapia you wish you can be in one of these women shoes it will never happen just like you will never be Mrs David Ruffin.

Anonymous said...

Genna Sapia is a lying woman,she is not to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

I tried to befriend Ms.Genna, only to taken advantage of and accused of stealing her email address book.
Each time I have offered the olive branch to her I have regreted it.
I have a good relationship with DERJ,but Ms.Genna and I disagree on too many things.
I don't know what the reason for her claiming to be his wife. She claims she and he still communicate on a spiritual level. Maybe he told her it was okay in one of their spiritual conversations.

Anonymous said...

I read on some message board where Genna was livid because some one referred to her as a "baby momma".
Friends and Foes of Genna please explain to me what is she, if she's not a baby momma?
She referred to Mrs.Sandra Ruffin as Nedra 'n'mems mother.Which that's what she is, or she could have referred to her as David's ex-wife,but that would have been too painful for her to admit.
What's wrong with referring to Genna as a "baby momma" ? What else could you call her???
I seriously want an answer!

Anonymous said...

leslie, that is exactly what she is,A baby momma.
Her book is the essense of Baby Momma Drama!
I don't know why she would have a problem with being called that either.
If anybody knows why Genna should resent being called a baby momma...Speak on it!

Anonymous said...

Genna is a baby momma and thats the way it will always be like it or not.

Anonymous said...

That's what I'm saying...What's the big deal with being called what you are?
Would she prefer unwed mother?

Anonymous said...

Very well said, merle. Those questions I, too, would like answered. I would like to know what really happened between Otis Williams and David. You get the sense that the story is only half told or embellished to make someone look better than the other.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Genna have a family of her own? What happened to her siblings that she talked about in her book?

Anonymous said...

Merle those are some wonderful questions I too would like to hear snwered..But unfortunately the people that are speaking out the most seems to be the girlfriends or baby mommas that cannot offer this information and does not know a thing about the man David Ruffin.

Anonymous said...

Opps I mean Answered.

Anonymous said...

Girlfriends?? Please don't say there's more than one Genna out there.
I know David Ruffin had many girlfriends and at least 2 baby momma's but Genna is the only one on the internet isn't she?
Please say she is the only one.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Mrs Sandra Ruffin,Davids girls and Diane Showers must feel about Genna and her book .Thats if they have even read it. I know their thoughts cant be to good.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Genna is doing all this because of her own shame. Reading the post about her being offended by the term "baby momma" makes that clear.
(((GENNA))) you are a "baby momma". Changing your name to Ruffin and claiming to be David's common law wife,in some instances claiming to be his wife can't change that.
A "Baby Momma" is someone that had a baby out of wedlock,isn't that what you did? No matter how many loving moments you spent with this man,No matter how much you think he loved you,No matter how much you loved him, the facts are the facts. He didn't marry you. Your relationship with him does not meet ANY of the criteria of a common law uninon, for Gods sake the state you lived in didn't even recognize such a union. All the snooping you did into David Ruffins affairs after his death,didn't you also check the laws regarding common law marriages?
Fantasia dedicated a beautiful song for All the "Baby Mommas" YOU should cheer everytime you hear it. Your status is NO different than all the other women that had a illegitmate child. You can't cover your shame with a lie. Nor can you change what and who you are with a name change. It's sad when you think of it Genna,because you know having Jr. did not elevate your status. You wrote in your book reasons why David married Sandra. Whether that's true or not,it really doesn't make your sistuation any better,because bottom line is he MARRIED her,and continued to have children with her. Key word here being HE MARRIED her.
It's Sandra Ruffin that had a family with him.

Anonymous said...

In her own words AGAIN!
"Turned out the judge asked DR what the hell he was doing beating someone else’s kid, and he told him it was his kid—and he was just punishing him.
The judge asked him why the hell the boy didn’t have his name, if that was the case and issued a ultimatum of doing token time or acknowledging paternity—something he had successfully evaded thus far.
Being the man that he was ,he chose the latter, of course, and Jimmie could do nothing about it. So David Eric Sapia was adopted by his own father, and was finally bestowed on August 3.1979 his actual birthright name, David Eli Ruffin Junior".
Wasn't this kid born 1965-66? Damn it took David Sr. a long time to claim him didn't it?
I know Genna loved that judge! lol!lol!
Baby Momma is exactly what she is, and not even a smart one.
Why didn't she at that time seek to protect her son's rights? Instead of waiting until he died.
It's obvious the man didn't give a damn about this kid,if it took the threat of going to jail to claim him,some 10 plus years after his birth.
Hey Genna why didn't you get the judge to MAKE David to marry you when he MADE him give Jr. his name?

Anonymous said...

Genna is confusing. First she said in her book, that David acknowledged that the child was his. Now after this 'charge' about him abusing jr and him being 'forced' to accept paternity. How can you force someone to accept something that they already accepted? It's her fault that she didn't have him signed jr's birth cerficate in the first place. I don't know why she acts like the things she does as an after thought is deserves a pat on the back. She should have been on the ball in the first place but she was too busy running behind David instead of protecting her son's interest.

Anonymous said...

Confusing is right...more of her OWN words:
"But then later when “Little David”(as everyone but his parents called him), was born, Big David still sometimes said he wasn’t the father—not to me, but I heard about it.
He probably told it to any and everybody who wanted to hear it—chiefly Sandra, his wife".
WTF????? If he felt he had to lie to Sandra Ruffin about a outside child,what does that tell you? Hmm Genna If You,David and Jr. "made 3" as you wrote,why was he denying your child,according to you "to any and everyone who wanted to hear it"?
Wasn't that a red flag you were just a baby momma?

Anonymous said...

I didn't read her book,but from the excerpts I have read here and on other forums,I don't understand why this woman insist theirs was such a great love affair or family.
It would seem that if her supporters understood what they read,they wouldn't go along with her and her common law wife claims. This is Her account of the events.
I feel for her that she was abused,but damn I understand why people are calling her a fraud. This man wasn't committed to her. She is a bitter,lonely and vindictive person,that took his name imo to hurt the people he did love.

Anonymous said...

To gingerlynn, you say nobody know's what went on between David Ruffin and Genna. But we do because she detailed it in her book. He didn't choose her,she chose him. I too believe she loved him,but her book doesn't sound like he loved her. She wrote the shit!
To jody, the naysayers??? Well the naysayers are correct,David Ruffin did not marry Genna. For you to call his treatment of her love makes me wonder what your idea of love is.
I've heard people say "Genna did what she had to do to surrive". That's not true. What she had to do was leave his black ass,and never look back. She never said once in her book that David prevented her from leaving. Hell,he didn't even try to keep her from marrying another man. Evidently he didn't interfere in her marriage either,because she said she left her "husband" because he wanted to sleep with her.
Evidently he never looked for her when she left him,because she said she would Miss him and go back.
You,jody described a David Ruffin quite different then the one Genna describes. Which one of y'all is lying?

Anonymous said...

A man looses respect for a female that doesn't respect hereself.
Still David Ruffin could not be this great person if he was a woman beater. I mean it's bad to beat any female,but to beat you own baby momma is low.
I'm a fan and all,and I love his music,but he must have been a cold dude to dog this woman out the way he did.

Anonymous said...

I always thought people hated genna becuse she wrote about her abuse at the hands of David Ruffin.
But it's not. Most people believe that she was beat down. It seems people are upset because of the things she wrote about other people. Which by the way had nothing to do with her and David's relationship. She took cheap shots at Ms.Sandra,Jimmy,Tammi and others,but these people had nothing to do with the way David treated her.
No way would I take this mans name,not after the hatered he showed towards her.
It's your story Genna so tell it,I ain't mad at you,BUT he was far from being YOUR Temptation. Damn she was sleeping with the enemy and didn't have sense enough to know it.

Anonymous said...

JODY said...
I knew David, one of the kindest, most generous gentle souls ever.

How do you expalin him beating his baby momma? "gentle souls" do not beat women.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything that the real Ruffin family can do at all now to make Genna remove Davids last name from hers?

Anonymous said...

Abused women are as sick as their abusers.
Sometimes in their minds leaving is not an option. They stay out of fear,financila reasons,their kids ect.
BUT in Genna's case David Ruffin left her. She didn't have to worry about being found and forced to go back to the violence.
I hope she gets counseling,because she needs it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that Genna's behavior is causing Mr. Ruffin's family pain. I never read this woman book, I just know that attacking her is not the answer. It's not right if Genna did say the things that was stated here. But two wrongs don't make it right. We all reap what we sow and sooner or later, it will happen to Genna. Beating her up on a blog is not going to solve the problem or stop Genna. Just let her be.

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